Right of Police Officer’s of Ukraine to Respect their Dignity in the Performance of their Duties
The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the right of Ukrainian police officers to respect their dignity in the performance of their duties; identify ways to protect this right. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study is the methods and techniques of scientific knowledge. In particular, the formal-logical method was used to establish the essence of the concept of the right of police officers of Ukraine to respect their dignity in the performance of their duties. The methods of analysis and synthesis allowed us to construct our own definitions and other theoretical constructs. The formal legal method was used to formulate the concept of «the right of police officers of Ukraine to respect their dignity in the performance of their duties». The sociological method helped to investigate the information of the sociological survey on the confidence of Ukrainian citizens in the National Police of Ukraine (2017–2018). The scientific novelty is to formulate a number of new conceptual provisions and conclusions regarding the understanding of the right of police officers of Ukraine to respect their dignity in the performance of their duties; identifying ways to protect this right. Conclusions. The right of police officers of Ukraine to respect their dignity in the performance of their official duties is an opportunity established by the Constitution of Ukraine for the police officers of Ukraine to have recognition and respect for themselves on the part of others in the performance of their (police) duties. This right is fundamental, an inalienable one that belongs to civil (personal) rights in the system of human and citizen rights and freedoms. The violation of the right of police officers of Ukraine to respect their dignity in the performance of their duties is most often due to the low level of trust in the National Police of Ukraine (NPU), the low prestige of the police profession, which shape the negative image of the NPU. Ways to protect the rights of police officers in Ukraine while respecting their dignity in the performance of their duties are judicial protection, as well as protection through appeals to the Ombudsman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. In our opinion, the legislator needs to amend the Code of Administrative Offenses (Article 185), adding to it the responsibility for the resentment of a police officer. However, it would not hurt to take responsibility for the actions mentioned in this article. In Ukraine, it is necessary to improve the mechanism for protecting the rights of police officers by creating new institutions that will help protect and restore the constitutional right of police officers to be violated in respect of their dignity in the performance of their duties.
Keywords: rights; police officer (police); right to respect for the dignity.
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