Axiological Understanding of Personal Non-Property Rights of an Individual


In the article, based on the achievements of representatives of various branches of legal science, the substantive essence of personal non-property rights as a multidimensional legal phenomenon is revealed through the value-semantic sphere of personality. The purpose of the article is to carry out a philosophical and legal analysis of personal non-property rights through the disclosure of their axiological content. Its achievement will be facilitated by: outlining the features of the European doctrine of personal non-property rights, which is the basis of European human rights standards; study of the axiological nature of personal non-property rights; analysis of legal values enshrined in civil law to ensure the rights of which are personal intangible assets. The methodological basis of the study are historical, anthropocentric, formal-legal, dialectical, existential and phenomenological approaches, which together allow to reveal the value of personal non-property rights, to determine the impact of internal values on the possibility of exercising and protecting personal property rights. Scientific novelty. The article examines the value aspects of personal non-property rights of individuals. Conclusions. Personal inalienable rights are an integral element of legal reality, a phenomenon that is important for the development of legal relations that exist in the legal space. Recognition at the level of the Constitution of Ukraine of man as the highest social value, legislative provision of a wide range of personal inalienable rights that may belong to man, recognition of their inexhaustibility is evidence of a qualitative change in the value orientation of our society based on modern European doctrine. At the same time, she can fully realize the personal inalienable rights belonging to a person only by realizing their value, and this can be achieved by having a psycho-emotional and intellectual health, a high level of legal awareness.

Keywords: intangible property; value; object; personal non-property rights; legal awareness; man; life;
freedom; society.


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Author Biography

L. Parashchuk

Lecturer of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the West Ukrainian National University, Ternopil, Ukraine


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