Philosophical and Methodological Fundamentals of the Study of Evaluation of Testimony of Participants in Criminal Proceedings in the Court of First Instance


The purpose of the scientific article is to clarify and generalize the philosophical and methodological principles of the study of the evaluation of the testimony of participants in criminal proceedings in the court of first instance; search for methodological means to increase the efficiency of the court to assess the evidence in criminal proceedings. The methodological basis of scientific research is a set of methods necessary for the realization of scientific goals, the use of which ensured the validity and reliability of research results. The scientific novelty of the publication is that for the first time the philosophical and methodological principles of research of such a source of evidence as the testimony of participants in criminal proceedings in the court of first instance are outlined and analyzed. Also, scientific ideas about the prospects of applying certain methodological approaches in the theory of proof in terms of assessing the testimony of the victim, accused, witness and their use in the administration of justice, which, in the author's opinion, will allow philosophical and legal issues to highlight controversial issues in the criminal process of Ukraine. Conclusions. The following arguments are argued in the article: formal-dogmatic, comparative-legal, hermeneutic, synergetic, sociological and prognostic) methods. The specificity of the subject, as well as a set of diverse in content and nature of cognitive tasks necessitate the use of the full range of the above methods, which together give a holistic perception of the testimony of participants in criminal proceedings in the court of first instance.

Keywords: methodology; evidence; evaluation of indications; participants in criminal proceedings; court of first instance.


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Author Biography

O. Ryzhyi

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Criminal Procedure and criminology of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine


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Methodology of law