Legal Principles as the Basis of the System of Criminal Legislation of Ukraine


Topicality. The Criminal Code of Ukraine is based on the Constitution of Ukraine and generally recognized principles and norms of international law. There are almost no significant issues in criminal legislation regarding the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine and international treaties, the binding consent of which has been given by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. At the same time, there is a problem regarding the understanding of the principles of criminal legislation, since they are still not regulated, and discussions on this issue continue in the theory of criminal law. Determining the system of principles of criminal legislation of Ukraine is an urgent issue today, in connection with the emergence of new challenges for law enforcement officers related to Russia's war against Ukraine. Solving this issue will make it possible to more effectively apply criminal law norms when bringing the guilty to justice in case they commit criminal offenses, in particular against peace, human security and international legal order. The purpose of the article is to form a system of principles of criminal legislation of Ukraine in the conditions of modern challenges of criminal law science related to the war of Russia against Ukraine, as well as to reveal their content for the correct implementation of each principle of criminal legislation. Methodology. An important prerequisite for the scientific study of any legal phenomenon is the establishment of methodological principles for its implementation. Given the specificity of the goal and subject of research, such methods as dialectical, comparativist, dogmatic, systemic, induction, deduction, morphological, cybernetic, analysis, and synthesis will be applied. Scientific novelty. In the study, for the first time in Ukraine, a system of principles of criminal legislation was formed in the conditions of modern challenges of criminal law science related to the war of Russia against Ukraine, which makes it possible to correctly implement the norms of both national and international criminal legislation when bringing the guilty to criminal responsibility. Research results. Based on the results of the research, a system of principles of criminal legislation of Ukraine was formed, which reflects the realities of law enforcement related to Russia's war against Ukraine. The content of each principle is revealed for their effective application during court proceedings under martial law. Practical significance. The formation of a system of principles of criminal legislation and the disclosure of their content enables law enforcement officers to clearly understand what principles should be followed when implementing the norms of criminal legislation, as well as in the case of identifying gaps in it.

Keywords: law; legislation; principle; rule of law, legality, humanism, justice.


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Author Biography

V. Babanina

Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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