Legal Basis for the Use of Polygraph in Ukraine – the Realities of Today

  • Oleksandr MOTLIAKH

    Doctor of Law, Professor,

    Head of the Scientific Laboratory for Psychological Support and Psychophysiological Research of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

    Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. The widespread foreign practice of using polygraphs in the public sector, commercial and private activities has found its proper support in Ukraine. The state of the national present demonstrates the urgent need for polygraph research in critical areas and directions of human activity. The accumulated experience and practice of Ukrainian polygraph examiners give grounds to affirmatively state that the polygraph has strengthened its position as a scientific and technical device that helps officials of various structures and areas of activity in solving urgent issues of the relevant direction. One of the problematic aspects of modern polygraphy is the legislative framework that regulates the procedure for its use in Ukraine and the results of research obtained with its help. The purpose of the article is to systematically highlight the domestic legal and regulatory documents which form the basis for the implementation of polygraph examination activities. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the systematic presentation and analysis of the current legislative and by-laws of Ukraine regulating the use of polygraph. The results of the scientific work summarize the content of the research material presented by providing specific proposals for improving the legislative component aimed at legitimizing polygraph activities in our country. It is proved that the process of legislative regulation of polygraph in Ukraine will comprehensively contribute to the further development of this specific and at the same time necessary area of practical work in solving urgent issues of a specific direction. The practical significance of the scientific article is to orient theorists and practitioners of polygraphic activities to the current regulatory framework in Ukraine, which directly or indirectly determines the procedure for the legitimacy of the use of a polygraph and the results of research conducted with its help.


Keywords: polygraph; polygraph examiner; polygraph examination; regulatory documents; laws; orders; instructions.


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Author Biography

Oleksandr MOTLIAKH

Doctor of Law, Professor,

Head of the Scientific Laboratory for Psychological Support and Psychophysiological Research of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

Kyiv, Ukraine


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Philosophy and philosophy of law