Methodological Features of Lawmaking in Education in the Ukrainian National Republic Ukrainian Central Rada period

  • S. Shytyi Ph.D in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the National Pedagogical University Dragomanov, Kiev, Ukraine
Keywords: education, law, lawmaking, Ukrainian National Republic, Ukrainian Central Rada


A significant number of different reforms take place in modern Ukrainian state, and their course slows down because of a variety of reasons. In education, among other things, the reforms progress is hampered by unsystematic and inadequate regulatory and legal support of the reform process. In Ukraine the search of national education’s concept occurs, and at the same time its reforming proceeds having a target to integrate into the system of general European education. One of the reasons for this situation can be considered a permanent change in the educational concept during the all period of Ukraine’s existence as an independent state, due to the constant changes in the political parties which have been in power. In terms of the reform’s legal support and the national education system development it is useful to refer to the experience of the Ukrainian state’s establishment, especially to the period when a similar problem has been resolved successfully. For the development of efficient, effective and modern specialized national law in the educational field it is useful to analyze the legislation of the past for defining the approaches to the development of education legislation, the methods used by the governments of Ukraine in the previous period of independence, and for exploring the logic and results of such reforming of education legislation. The educational documents of Ukrainian Central Rada of Ukrainian National Republic are the best material for such analysis. The article investigates the problem of legislative support for educational activities in Ukraine. Various solutions to this problem are considered. Using the historical experience of legislation in the field of education is determined as one of the ways of solving problem. Some acts of the period of Ukrainian National Republic, of the Ukrainian Central Rada’s era are analyzed, and their characteristics are studied. For analyzing the documents of mentioned period non-formalized method applies.


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Author Biography

S. Shytyi
Ph.D in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the National Pedagogical University Dragomanov, Kiev, Ukraine

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History of philosophy of law