The Modern Social State as a Result of Historical Development of the Concept Plato’s Ideal State

  • A. Stukalov Postgraduate Student of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
Keywords: social state, laws, Plato, social nature, social justice


In the article the features of the concept of the welfare state. The social nature of the ideal state Plato described it in the dialogue «The State», «Laws» and others. The relevance of studies of the welfare state concept in dire need of scientific evidence and announced the semantic content of the basic principles of the state, which is impossible without a proper assessment of the experience of the world of classical philosophical and legal opinions on the issues raised. For the most part, scientists tend to determine the views of Plato, as support for the paradigm of social inequality and the division of society into operation and operated. Two ruling classes to meet their operational needs by the third – exploited. Taking into account that the time of life and widespread slavery, such ideas of the philosopher did not cause any great surprise. However, we do not share these views on the ideas of Plato. Depending on the value, social, psychological, historical and political circumstances of the peoples of the ways to build a state of the common good (social) divided. Many approaches to the construction of the state social trends have led to a variety of models, which are usually covered by the concept of «social state». The principles on which is based the modern welfare state was laid Platon, that the basic principles and ideas of the welfare state have been described almost twenty-four centuries ago in the writings of one of the greatest thinkers in human history. Based on the theory of the modern welfare state based on the ancient philosopher, formed on the principles.


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Author Biography

A. Stukalov
Postgraduate Student of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

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History of philosophy of law