The Inculturation and Professional Ethics of Lawyer

  • Yu. Halonkina Postgraduate Student of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
Keywords: enculturation, legal education, lawyer, inculturation, professional culture, legal ethics, legal clinic, professional ethics


The article is devoted to the unexplored issues on professional development of future lawyers through the enculturation as a process of individual entry into professional culture. It is stated that lawyers’ professional enculturation is a long process of adoption of traditions, values and norms of professional culture. The enculturation results in person’s emotional and behavioral similarities with other members of the professional culture and his or her difference from representatives of other professional cultures. The article shows that in connection with this specificity the priorities of enculturation in the process of education cannot be replaced or substituted with socialization priorities. The concept of «enculturation» emphasizes the personal beginning of the process, its subjectivity, such emphasis is the result of modern scientific thought orientation towards the person, his culture and spiritual life. Law students’ enculturation is associated with the development of their normative value system when mastering a sufficient amount of cultural knowledge and social experience through practice and familiarity with different professional and cultural skills. The modern world needs specialists being highly educated and professionally competent who will be able to perform their professional duties and provide social control. Important social tasks are delivered to the representatives of legal profession, which is related to the high degree of social responsibility. Much attention is focused on the content of the educational process in law universities of Ukraine. It is suggested that enculturation of future lawyers as specialists is the most effective by means of study of the subjects such as professional ethics of the lawyer and legal deontology, and also by engaging students to work in legal clinics. This paper discusses the need to return the discipline “Legal ethics» to the lawyers training program.


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Author Biography

Yu. Halonkina
Postgraduate Student of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

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Specific Areas of Legal Philosophy (Ontology, Gnoseology, Anthropology, Praxeology)