Migration Conflicts as Objects of Philosophy of Law Analysis

  • V. Muranova Ph.D in Law, Research Fellow of the Scientific Laboratory on Public Security of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
Keywords: migration, migration conflicts, confrontation of «insider – stranger», public safety, Natural Law, human rights, migratory policy, international dialogue, Philosophy of Law


Equality and non-discrimination regarding the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms, regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status are the most important principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Meanwhile, riots of migrants in Europe occur regularly. Offenses motivated by racial, religious or ethnic hatred occur more often. States within states that are enclaves inhabited by representatives of non-European cultures, there are in reality. In these neighborhoods people can't go without risk to their life and health. When somebody (any person, even reach) speaks language of his native country, he cannot buy anything in these places. Due to rapid globalization and changing trends in migration theory and international law and national practice of regulating migration processes require rethinking. Fundamental reform of the current legislation on migration is very important. The effectiveness of these amendments, which must meet the current global challenges, depends on the fundamental understanding of these issues. Migration policy is a tool of enrichment, economic, social and cultural development and civil society. Determining the causes of and ways of resolving migration conflicts in the context of the achievements of world and national philosophical and legal thought is the purpose of this article. This article is dedicated to the philosophical and legal analysis of the reasons of the beginning of migratory conflicts and the ways of their solving. It is pointed out that confrontation of «insider – stranger» between migrants and local citizens is the principal reason of the beginning of migratory conflicts and it receives a threat for public safety. It is grounded that the strategic planning and improvement of migratory politics of state on the humanistic basis assists to the development of civil society and can be the instrument of enriching of the state.


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Author Biography

V. Muranova
Ph.D in Law, Research Fellow of the Scientific Laboratory on Public Security of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

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Philosophical problems of particular branches of law studies