Democracy – True or Illusory Freedom?

  • I. Tkachuk Researcher of the Philosophy and Legal Logic Department of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
Keywords: state, democracy, freedom, people power


The article is dedicated to the research of the evolution of the views of philosophers and academicians on democracy, the question of spreading of the democracy around the world. And also the possibilities of the democratic state society to guarantee the rights and freedoms of a human being are analyzed. The article speaks about democracy – the government «in the name of the people, by the people and for the people», the most important value which is freedom – personal, political, national and cultural. The author touches upon the question whether democracy is the driving force for the benefit of the people, or is it just a word, slogan or psychological maneuver that politicians use for personal purposes? At the beginning it deals with the origin of the term «democracy» especially it was begun in Ancient Greece as a way of political life policy. Further comments on the views of various philosophers on this topic. Particular mention Plato which provided first philosophical assessment of democracy. Plato criticized her emphasizing that this system is detrimental to citizens because there are representatives of the people that crime usurp power and become tyrants. It also mentions the thought of Aristotle, who believed democracy is not the right form of government and Montesquieu who said that democracy, giving everyone some bit of power, exposed to constant mixing of private interests with the public good. Then the author passes on to the characteristics of the current state of democracy in Ukraine. He criticized it, pointing out that after the Soviet Union people really can feel free to express their views and participate in various peace demonstrations but this ends their democracy. He quoted the modern Ukrainian philosopher Sergey Datsyuk «Democracy in Ukrainian – is the management of oligarchs, professional politicians and bureaucrats in complete disregard of civil society». To summarize the author stressed that God gave us a unique opportunity – to be a thinking man on the earth and we, people, must understand that are born free, with the right to happiness.


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Author Biography

I. Tkachuk
Researcher of the Philosophy and Legal Logic Department of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

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Philosophical problems of particular branches of law studies