Methodology of Research of the Investigation of the Illegal Human Trafficking across the State Border of Ukraine

  • Ye. Biehalov Researcher of the Laboratory on the Problems of Expert-Forensic Provision of the Educational and Research Institute No. 2 of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine
Keywords: methodology, method, criminal proceedings, pre-trial investigation, illegal transfer of persons across the state border, investigator, special knowledge


The methodological principles of scientific research of the peculiarities of investigation of illegal transfer of persons across the state border of Ukraine are described. A set of scientific methods, the use of which is aimed at the theoretical solution to the problems of the daily practice of investigating the illegal transfer of persons across the state border of Ukraine, is determined.

In order to ensure the comprehensiveness and completeness of the scientific research of the concept, the content of the activities to detect and investigate the illegal transfer of persons across the state border of Ukraine, the toolkit, that is, the range of research methods that will form the methodological basis of the dissertation research, will be determined. It is established that in the process of conducting investigative activities, the subject of the investigation uses various methods and means of scientific (theoretical developments of criminology) and practical knowledge (analysis and synthesis, construction and verification of versions, modeling, etc.). One of the main is the heuristic methods of knowing the investigated event. The heuristic method is based on the data base, the experience of work in the field of investigative activities, logical thinking, intuition of the investigator and other professional qualities gained during the implementation of this activity.

It is concluded that modern criminal procedural science is based on systematically updated methodology, which is aimed at the theoretical solution of the problems of the daily practice of investigating the illegal transfer of persons across the state border of Ukraine. It is the complex use of a wide range of scientific methods that will enable a comprehensive study of the theoretical and practical principles of investigation of criminal offenses under Art. 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.


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Author Biography

Ye. Biehalov
Researcher of the Laboratory on the Problems of Expert-Forensic Provision of the Educational and Research Institute No. 2 of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine

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