The Principle of Recognition as a Necessary Basis for the Formation of the Individual as a Subject of Law
The purpose of the article is to highlight the principle of recognition as the basis for the formation of an individual as a subject of law. The article substantiates the idea that the creation of a person as a real subject of law is a multidimensional process, which involves a number of factors of different aspects, and in particular subjective-personal, which is decisive. Methodology. The work was done using the principle of complementarity of philosophical methods (hermeneutic, dialectical axiological); common scientific (objectivity, systematization, analysis) and comparative legal method as a special legal. It ensured the integrity of the study and vision of the process of creating a person as a subject of law complex task, where the major role is played by a personal-subjective dimension. The scientific novelty is that the article concerns the importance of the recognition principle for the formation of a person as a subject of law, reveals its essence. In contrast to the Legist approach, which only declares a person as a subject of law, in fact turning it into an object of legal influence of the state, it is proved that in reality an individual as a subject of law is subject to the implementation of the principle of recognition in three dimensions i.e. recognition of the subject of law as the law itself, as a form of existence of universal values; recognition of another person as equal to me in law; recognition of oneself as the bearer of the meanings of law. Conclusions. In order for a right to be real, and not just declared, it is necessary that its characteristics correspond to people as subjects of law. Only in acts of recognition is it possible to exercise a person as a legal entity. Ukraine will not be able to become a state governed by the rule of law if citizens do not overcome the current spiritual and cultural crisis, do not cultivate respect for the law, for themselves and others around them.
Keywords: subject of law; principles of law; principle of recognition; meanings of law; recognition of another person; autonomy of personality; human dignity; justice; freedom.
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