Problems of the Law of War in the Scientific Works of Hersch Lauterpacht


The article examines the scientific contribution of Hersch Lauterpacht to the development of international humanitarian law. Based on the analysis of scientific works of prof. H. Lauterpacht, it was emphasized his anthropocentric approach to the law of war, which, in his opinion, always has a humanitarian focus: to prevent or alleviate suffering, and in some cases to save lives during the war. The purpose of the article is to investigate the contribution of Hersch Lauterpacht to the development of the concept of the law of war (international humanitarian law). The methodological basis of the article are both general and special methods of legal science (comparative law, historical law and formal-dogmatical). Particular emphasis is placed on the anthropological concept of understanding the law of war. Scientific novelty. In Ukrainian jurisprudence, the scientific views of Hersch Lauterpacht and their contribution to the development of modern humanitarian law are studied for the first time. Conclusions. H. Lauterpacht’s scientific views on the law of war are quite relevant today. Although the author did not use the established term «international humanitarian law», but instead used the term «law of war», the researcher actively underlines the humanitarian orientation of the law of war. The purpose of the law of war is almost entirely humanitarian in the literal sense of the word – to prevent or alleviate suffering, and in some cases to save lives from the brutality of hostilities. H. Lauterpacht emphasized that the war expelled as a legal institution continues to exist; therefore, for reasons of humanity and human dignity, it needs legal regulation.

Keywords: Lauterpacht; law of war; international humanitarian law; aggression; civilian population.


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Author Biography

V. Hutnyk

Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of International Law of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine


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History of philosophy of law and Methodology of law