Politics of Historical Memory as an Tool Of Consolidation of Peoples in Counter of Neoimperialism
Topicality. The article substantiates the relevance of the study of the preservation and transmission of historical memory as the spiritual basis for the development of Ukrainian society, the unity of the people, its national identification and mobilization to resist negative external influences. The purpose of the article is to determine the directions and ways of realization of the state and legal policy of historical memory as an instrument of consolidation of the Ukrainian people and counteraction of neo-imperialism in the geopolitical space of the modern world. The methodology of the work consists of the following research methods: historical analysis, which monitors the role of historical memory at different stages of development of society; comparative analysis of the strategic direction of the state memory policy; axiological analysis, the application of which allows to substantiate the value of historical memory in the development of national identification and consolidation of the Ukrainian people. The theoretical basis of the article are: research on the preservation and development of historical memory in Ukraine as a subject of modern international relations, as well as the role of these processes in the globalization of modern society; works of domestic scholars, in which the state and legal policy of historical memory is considered as a strategic factor of national security of Ukraine and counteraction to negative external influences; scientific works, which reveal the importance of historical memory in the mobilization of spiritual forces and the will of the Ukrainian people in opposition to the policy of neo-imperialism; publications and materials of domestic scholars on the legal, political and cultural aspects of preservation and development of historical memory. The scientific novelty is that for the first time the state-legal policy of historical memory was considered as an instrument of counteraction to neo-imperialism; the role of the state and legal policy of historical memory in the development and implementation of transnational projects aimed at achieving national security of post-socialist countries is substantiated; The forms and methods of realization of the state and legal policy of historical memory in the context of Ukraine’s integration into the European geopolitical space have been further developed. The results of the study allowed to determine the priority areas of state and legal policy of historical memory in Ukraine, to identify the role of historical memory as a socio-political instrument of consolidation of European nations in combating neo-imperialism in the geopolitical space. The practical significance of the research results is to specify the ways of implementing the state and legal policy of historical memory of Ukraine as a subject of international relations, learning from the experience of developing transnational projects aimed at achieving national security of post-socialist countries and countering military invasion and terrorist operations. The success of the functioning of historical memory in the activities of state and non-state institutions, the Ukrainian community should ensure the success of international projects in world socio-cultural and political processes, fulfill the civilizational mission of neo-imperialism and the formation of imperial consciousness in modern society. Conclusions. It is noted that the socio-cultural phenomenon of historical memory is the spiritual basis for the development of national memory of the Ukrainian people, its identification, consolidation and mobilization on the path of integration into the community of democratic countries. It is emphasized that the preservation and development of historical memory in Ukraine is a strategic direction of the state and legal policy of memory, aimed at counteracting the negative influences of neo-imperialism and the formation of imperial consciousness in modern society. The peculiarities of transnational projects based on the state and legal policy of historical memory, the implementation of which should contribute to the unification of post-socialist countries to achieve national security.
Keywords: historical memory; state-legal policy; neo-imperialism; transnational project.
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