Methodological Study of the Influence of Subjective Factors on the Success of Operating Actions of Tero-Defense Fighters in the Context of the Protection of Human Rights to Life and Health Protection

  • Marharyta SOVA

    Doctor of Pedagogic, Professor of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology of the State Tax University

    Irpin, Ukraine
  • Svitlana DIENIZHNA

    PhD in Pedagogic, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology of the State Tax University

    Irpin, Ukraine


Abstract. The operational actions of territorial defense fighters during martial law are associated with a risk to their own life and health, and also involve a high degree of responsibility for the lives of people suffering from Russia's military invasion. The success of their defensive, operational, and rescue actions depends to some extent on the outcome of countering military aggression. In this regard, the study of the influence of subjective factors on the success of the operational actions of territorial harrow fighters acquires special relevance and requires in-depth study. The relevance of the research problem is due to the need to implement the legally established human rights to life and health care during martial law, as well as to identify the influence of subjective factors on the success of operational actions of defenders of the Motherland. The purpose of the article is a methodological study of the influence of subjective factors on the success of operational actions of territorial defense fighters in the context of the protection of human rights to life and health. The research methodology consists of a set of methods (descriptive, inductive, deductive, analytical, evaluative, correlational, methods of mathematical statistics) and diagnostic methods necessary for the realization of the scientific goal. The study of the influence of subjective factors on the success of operational actions of defenders was carried out using the following methods: "Social-psychological adaptation" by K. Rogers and R. Diamond; "Diagnosis of emotional burnout" V. V. Boyka, "Questionnaire for identifying risk propensity" by H. Schubert, "Scale of psychological well-being" by K. Riff. "Viability test" S. Muddy. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the influence of subjective factors on the success of the operational actions of the participants of the territorial defense in the context of the protection of human rights to life and health care has been theoretically substantiated and empirically proven; criteria for the success of operational actions are defined, according to which a set of diagnostic research methods aimed at achieving the set goal is proposed; a correlational analysis of the subjective factors of the success of the operational actions of the soldiers of the territorial defense was carried out; the priority directions for improvement of psychological service programs during martial law are outlined. The results of the study indicate a downward trend in the indicators of the internal and external evaluation of the success of combat operations of the participants of the territorial defense, which decreases from the group of respondents with a high level to the group with a low level, as well as in the indicators of socio-psychological adaptation to extreme conditions of operational activity, propensity to risk, psychological well-being and vitality. Indicators of emotional burnout, on the contrary, have upward dynamics and grow from a group with a high level of success to a group with a low level of success. The results of the diagnostic examination indicate the need for timely detection of negative consequences of the mental health of soldiers, obtaining objective data for a short period of diagnostic examination, on the basis of which the specifics of measures are determined that ensure the improvement of the vitality and working capacity of soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the success of their operational actions in the conditions martial law. Conclusions. The use of the proposed methodological toolkit made it possible to comprehensively examine the state of mental health of territorial defense fighters, to reveal the influence of subjective factors (adaptability to extreme conditions of operational activity, emotional stability, propensity to risk, psychological well-being, vitality) on the effectiveness of operational actions of defenders in dangerous conditions armed conflict. Regular preventive, advisory and corrective measures aimed at monitoring the health of defenders will contribute to the realization of their rights to health care. The practical significance of the results of the conducted methodological research is that the obtained empirical data on the influence of the considered subjective factors on the success of the operational activities of the fighters can serve as concrete guidelines for improving programs for the implementation of human rights to life and health protection during martial law, the organization of preventive and advisory measures that contribute to increasing the effectiveness of the military actions of the defenders of the Motherland


Keywords: right to life; right to health care; territorial defense fighters; subjective factors of success of operational actions


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Author Biographies

Marharyta SOVA

Doctor of Pedagogic, Professor of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology of the State Tax University

Irpin, Ukraine


PhD in Pedagogic, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology of the State Tax University

Irpin, Ukraine


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Philosophy and philosophy of law