The Impact of Ukraine's European Integration Course on European and National Municipal Law in the Conditions of Modern Hybrid Warfare

  • Volodymyr DEMYDENKO

    PhD in Law, Associate Professor,

    Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law and Human Rights of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

    Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. Currently, the European community has a clear idea that Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine is not only a threat to the existence of the sovereign state of Ukraine and the genocide of the Ukrainian people, but also pursues the destruction of European values ​​regarding democracy, freedom, the rule of law and the liquidation of international intergovernmental organizations created on these principles associations of states (Council of Europe, EU and NATO), minimizing their geopolitical significance. This understanding of the terrorist nature of russia is systematically reflected in the legislation of the authorized institutions of the EU, the OSCE and the Council of Europe aimed at supporting Ukraine. Of course, Ukraine's European integration course not only conditions the reformation of the national municipal law of Ukraine in wartime conditions, but also the improvement of the European municipal law (within the member states of the Council of Europe). Accordingly, there is a need to analyze the current state of reforming the European municipal law and the municipal law of Ukraine. The purpose of the publication is to study the impact of Ukraine's European integration course on European and national municipal law in the conditions of the modern russian hybrid war. The research methodology is a system of theoretical principles (historicism, objectivity, pluralism, etc.), logical methods (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy, hypothesis, etc.) and specific means of research, which made it possible to fully reveal the modernization trends of modern European and national municipal law. Scientific novelty. The publication improves the scientific and theoretical understanding of the relationship between the impact of Ukraine's European integration course on both Ukrainian municipal law and European municipal law. Research results. The modernization of the European security and defense policy is analyzed from the point of view of the European integration course of Ukraine and the urgent need to oppose the russian hybrid war against European values. Practical significance. The presence of certain negative trends in modern European municipal politics, associated with the occasional victories of far-right pro-Russian political forces and movements in a number of European states, both in local elections and sometimes in national elections, has been established.


Keywords: municipal law of Ukraine; European municipal law; European integration course of Ukraine; modern hybrid warfare; territorial integrity; de-occupation; human rights and freedoms; public authorities.


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Author Biography


PhD in Law, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law and Human Rights of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

Kyiv, Ukraine


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