Anthropological Dimension of Research on the Rights and Freedoms of Convicted Persons
The purpose of the article is to analyze existing research on the rights of convicts and highlight their anthropological direction, as well as emphasize their importance for the anthropology of law and philosophy of law in general, constitutional law, criminal law, improving mechanisms to protect the rights, freedoms and interests of convicts. The methodological basis of the article is a set of philosophical and philosophical methods, general and special scientific methods. Determinants, in our opinion, are dialectical and: logical, formal-legal and historical, comparative-legal and systemic methods, as well as anthropological, activity and other approaches. Scientific novelty. Ensuring the inalienable natural human rights, even when it has received the status of a convicted person, requires from the state, its specially authorized bodies and officials, additional measures and means of legal influence, the establishment and maintenance of penitentiaries, re-education of these persons. Scientists have an important mission, in particular, to reveal the features of human nature, including convicts in terms of various scientific schools, human dignity, its rights and freedoms, legal awareness, socialization and resocialization, in order, above all, to prevent illegal acts, disclosure the danger of harm to such acts for themselves and others, their associations, human civilization. Conclusions. The Ukrainian state, scientific elite and officials face a number of urgent tasks to create an effective legal system that would protect human rights and freedoms, regardless of the conditions in which they find themselves. The reform of Ukraine’s penitentiary system must be based on democratic principles, in line with the European penitentiary concept and Ukraine’s national interests. This is impossible to do without a thorough scientific base, constant attention of representatives of modern scientific schools, especially the philosophy of law, and it is important that we continue to outline the areas of study of legal anthropology, penology and other scientific areas.
Keywords: human rights; rights of convicts; philosophy of law; anthropological approach; legal regulation; realization of rights and freedoms of convicts.
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