The Place of the Idea of Peace in the System of Elements of the Idea of Law

  • V. Nevidomyi

    Doctor of Laws, Chief Comptroller – Director of the Department of Defense and Law Enforcement of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • O. Pavlyshyn

    Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic, National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


Topicality. Active socio-political processes taking place in our country cause new challenges for Ukrainian legal science, stimulate scholars to accumulate creative potential and intensify scientific research in the field of philosophy of law, in particular, a comprehensive study of law and peace, which in modern conditions special, even acutely relevant socio-political and political-legal status. The idea of law belongs to the fundamental legal problems that have arisen at all times and considered by prominent thinkers of different eras. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive study of the system of connections of the main elements of the idea of law. Methodology. The core methodological approaches in the study are anthropological, structuralist and semiotic-legal. The system-structural approach also made it possible to comprehensively consider the paradox of the idea of law. This study focuses on structuring and conducting a comprehensive (including semiotic-legal) analysis of the idea of peace as a component of the idea of law. Scientific novelty. In the article idea of peace, its place in the sign elements of the idea of law and the most important aspects of its researching are investigated on the basis of Semiotics of Law’s methodology. The article states that the term "peace" is meant commonly as the period between wars that have characterized diplomatic relations between groups of people, nations and states, and the corresponding state of harmony in society. The results obtained. Proposed and discussed a broad understanding of the concept of peace, which implies a state of social relations in which real system of institutions and mechanisms, designed to prevent the emergence of new social conflicts and effectively help to resolve existing social contradictions, is established. The contents of related legal sign structures, such as freedom, justice, common good, solidarity and order are defined. Methodological possibilities and heuristic potential of the productive use of the semiotics approach in the process of researching of the idea of law are determined.


Keywords: philosophy of law; peace; freedom; justice; equality; common good; social solidarity; order.


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Author Biographies

V. Nevidomyi

Doctor of Laws, Chief Comptroller – Director of the Department of Defense and Law Enforcement of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

O. Pavlyshyn

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic, National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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